Here is another very interesting trick that you can use to the war the deployment process on ServiceMix.
customize in this context, this word means How can I add property or extend existing of a MANIFEST file
e.g. : The WAR to be deployed contains tlb files created under the folder WEB-INF/tags/form and WEB-INF/tags/jms. By default PAX will create a MANIFEST file containing the property Bundle-Classpath with :
* WEB-INF/classes
* all jars from WEB-INF/lib directory
but will not take care about your folders
Two possibilities are available to tell to PAX that it must include in the Bundle-Classpath your folders
1) Command + uri
This one consists in to pass the parameters as an uri like this : install war:file:///d:/temp/activemq-web-console-5.2.0.war?Bundle-Classpath= ., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms&Webapp-Context= activemqweb
2) Create a file.bnd + command Another interesting option is to provide as a file the location of the WAR and the properties that you want to add
* Create a file called xxxx.bnd
* Add in the file the following lines : WAR-URL=file:///c/temp/activemq-web-console-5.2.0.war<br/>Bundle-Classpath=., WEB-INF/tags/form, WEB-INF/tags/jms<br/>Webapp-Context=activemqweb
- use in your favorite OSGI server (ServiceMix) the following command to install the WAR :
- install war-i:file:///c:/temp/activemq-web-console-5.2.0.bnd