fuseSource organises for the second time an event dedicated to the famous Apache Camel EIP Framework - CamelOne, the 15th and 16nd of May. This conference is not only a vitrine dedicated to Apache Camel Integration framework or, fuse]Source products but related technologies like ESB, SOA, BPM, Cloud, MOM, HTML5, Big Data and Real Time applications will be presented through a panel of different CamelOne talks and speakers (Rob Davies, James Strachan, Claus Ibsen, Hiram Chirino, Tony Shan, Robin Howlett, Dan Kulp, Jon Anstey, Kai Wahner, Charles Moulliard, Jazon Van Zyl, …).
A special attention was also given this year to present projects deployed and running in Enterprise :
- Christian Mueller - Atos,
- Rob Terpilowski - Lynden,
- Matt Pavlovich - Media Driver
- David Reiser, Ram Raju and Shane Kent – Department of Transportation,
- Robin Howlett - Silver Chalice
proving that Apache Camel is not only used by early adopters but is now part of the Enterprise Software Architecture like RDBMS and Web Technologies
If your are not yet registered, I recommend to do it to have the chance to meet some Apache Committers and people working every day with SOA and Integration projects. This is incredible opportunity which is only offered one time a year. Do not forget that the CamelOne conference include also a program to train people on Apache Camel, ActiveMQ and Apache ServiceMix.